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Avery Dennison
Global Trade Show Program

ASTOUND worked directly with Avery Dennison to design a modular booth that can be reconfigured for a variety of different venues and footprints.

ASTOUND designed and fabricated a series of modular booth components that allowed the overall booth to be functional for each different footprint of Avery Dennison’s multi-show program. The floorplan was designed to guide attendees through a retail environment and experience each of their product divisions through custom standalone two-sided demo stations and by integrating suppliers’ actual retail demos.

ASTOUND built a custom cosmetic display and a faux meat cooler which were such huge crowd pleasers that the client decided to have a second set made and shipped to their ‘Lab’ in The Netherlands. The header for the main booth structure was designed with a removable section allowing for the simple reconfiguration for a narrower footprint. The hanging sign was designed as separate pieces that adjust from a wide footprint to a narrow one all by flipping one piece.