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Digital & Interactive Tech

Leaders in artistry, innovation, and technology.

We leverage our world-class digital production and technology studio to enable brands to craft groundbreaking digital and virtual experiences that transcend the limits of the physical world.

Seamless digital integration and in-house development using cutting-edge technology and software, addressing the challenge of setting you apart in a digital age.

See the work (30)

Selected work

Digital & Interactive Tech

AI Art Wall

Narrative PR came to ASTOUND looking for a series of ideas and solutions for their clients Summit in Colorado, where attendees could interact with AI-technology in real time.

Digital & Interactive Tech

Ambition Centre

CIBC approached ASTOUND to develop digital first experience for their first experiential branch located in Yorkdale Mall in Toronto, Ontario Canada.

Digital & Interactive Tech

Wintermute + Bebop

Consensus was Wintermute’s first exhibiting experience to launch the brand and announce the new incubated project “bebop”

Digital & Interactive Tech

Hudson Pacific Properties
Interactive Experience

Hudson Pacific Properties needed this experience to be impressive and digitally-led to impress their tech-savvy tenants.